slay me with the brilliance of your eyes

Jan 06, 2015 13:39

The Anak-Dagat Diptych: The Drowned Girl and Sirena. 2014. Watercolor and mica pigment. Two watercolor paintings side by side-- the left of a brown-skinned face surrounded by bright red blossoms, in swirls and eddies of dark blue, indigo, purple and sea-green water; the right of a shining golden fish-scaled tail, above a brown-skinned face surrounded by blood-red waves of hair, sea-green tentacles, blue and indigo waves.

Color and brightness for you, this gray day! I'm staying home sick from work, as one day into the new work year my health is already suffering. I've mentioned that I plan to leave my job as soon as I can, because it's well on its way to literally killing me (the suicidal phases and depressive spirals due to being in a triggery environment are no joke, and they're only intensifying). I plan to do a fundraising thing next month, but in the meantime, please consider supporting me via Patreon (which enabled the creation of this piece, and which allows me to pay medical expenses), or perhaps purchase something from my Redbubble shop of awesomeness (it is pretty awesome, omg pillows!) or commission me.

Any and all signal boosting is so welcome and very much appreciated! Thank you ♥

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