ii cAn*Tt ruNn fr0m myseLf , thErEeSz n0wHeReEe t0 hiDee .. i d0nt g0t n0thing iF ii d0nt g0t y0uu

Apr 16, 2005 01:55

hello0oo w0rLDdd...

whadDuPp whaDduPp hEHee=]~ .. n0thingg really lateLy. SPRiNG BREAK o0O5=]~ 10 dAYS oF n0THiNGG aT aLL =]~ tEEhEe .well t0nitee i went t0 (f)razz0uss .. hehe liSa=]~ it waS the -blackoutttt- .. it waS okk i gueSs . . loL it*Sz like p0rn0o theRe. lol it waSsz -mEe-m!cHeLLEe-liSamAr!eEe-&-t0mMYy.. we saWw pPl fucKiNGg & evErYtHiNgg .. o0o j0yy. heHee.. we g0t theree lateee  becauSee d.b iS sl0w. lol [&] my rabiD raSh waS actinNgg uPp AGAiN =]~ (chiCken p0xx =] ) hehee . & we g0t theree and the linee was meGaa l0ngg.. but we saWw adRiAnAaa - kRiSt!nEee - anNd sTePhAn!eEe .=] anNd thEy lEt uSz cuTt =]~ thEy aRee s0 qQt. THE LiNE MAN iS S0 FLiPPiNG SCARYY . wiTt hiSz haWtt haiRr cuTt =] lo0l wEe g0t spLiTt uPp oNcCee weEe g0t iNsiDee=[~ .. mEe & t0mMy [ bFf ] g0t reDbuLLs thAt madEe uSz haPpy. thEn ii speNTt thEe reSt o0f thHe niTe taLkiNGg & taKiNg piCsSz o0n t0mmyySz f0nee wyTt lisAmAriEe .. yeS we are cuteEe= ] riitee n0w i*m at micheLLe*sz anNd yea iTtSz 2w0o in the m0rning but we d0nt care. she sayS hello0o t0 the w0rLdd =] o0kk i think thaTs inf0o u neEd o0n mYy liFeee !!

x0oSz, micHeLLee ..

o0o p.S st0p staLkiNg mEe =]~
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