Hello! I am Jada!
Im a graphic designer who spends much of her life in front of her computer. I am also a photographer, but I mke my living making posters for bands and covers for magazines. Some of my stuff is shown below.
I would love to help anyone here with any of their graphic problems. I am a whiz at Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and I can tell you alot about manipulating images for the web. If you have a question please feel free to ask me. :)
In terms of livejournal, I manage two communities,
_urban_photos, a community where you can post your photographs of cities. And
poster_art, a place to showcase any posters you have made. Please join!
Here are some posters I have made recently, and one old one.
Thanks for checking this out. :)
(the image that I am posting with is the image I would like to use to represent me.)