Apr 01, 2004 16:38
Today was better than I thought it would be. I thought I would have to kill someone today but it turns out that person didn't say a word to me... Such a pussy!
Anyway... School shit...
Latin- New grammar... Was easy kinda.
Art- Drew a picture of a dingo... lol don't ask.
World Civ- Drew pics of different characters... Mine is a monk... So easy to draw a fat bald guy. lol. Josh had to draw the same... He made his horse look like a demon and had a stick figure riding it... WTF?! lol.
Study Hall- Listened to Good Charlotte and All American Rejects w/ Big B... Fun.
Lunch- Didn't eat much... Got water and a nutty bar thing because they didn't have my Reeeeeses... *pouts*
Earth Science- Rhiannon and Josh presented... Schreck didn't present cause he's lazy. Started Meteorology today.
Health- Watched a video on heroine... I almost got so sick. Was disgusting cause of the needles and blood and ewwness... *shivers*
English- Quizzie thing... Was pretty easy. I know I aced the vocab this time!
AFTER SCHOOL: Got Eric... Almost wanted to kick Barry's ass. Saw Danielle and Eric hugged her. Then we walked to our buses.
Might not go to Aikido tonight... Tomorrow would be better. I test for my blue belt in May. :-)