Work sucks. As usual. But hey...don't knock what you love.
Lately I've been so tired. I can't explain this but...I think its becoming a problem. I've never had an issue with being up all night, working all night...dancing has never tired me out like this before. I really don't understand whats going on...maybe..I don't know...maybe its because I've stopped eating or something..I mean...I do eat its glass of water, and an orange.
I don't that bad? I've been all woozy and light headed lately. I really couldn't tell if I'm sick or not...I hope this doesn't screw up my working. I can't afford to miss anymore days...though I do admit the guys have been paying me more since I've not shown up every night consecutively. They tip me more, now...but I'm losing spotlight and that is no bueno.
But hey..if anyone wants my email( like..I don't know, msg me or something...they're welcome to! I don't know who is reading my journal but hey...I'm more than happy to come out and meet you, face to face if you live here in New York!
...Maybe thats stupid of me, but I don't care. I need new friends ): .