Sextant by mcost on Flickr, CC-BY 2.0
Greek Trireme from the U.S. Air Force Air War College, Public Domain We're just ramping up on the Fedora 11 artwork process. You may be familiar with our previous 3-rounds process, where artists would come up with different ideas and 'compete', and by the end the last theme standing became the theme.
We're doing things a little differently this time. Since the competition results in dividing artists' efforts and focus, we've decided this time to try to work on one theme idea together, and have everyone focused on the same idea to hopefully create a higher-quality theme faster. For F11, we decided to create artwork inspired by the F11 codename, which is Leonidas. We'll see how it goes and depending on how difficult or useful this proves to be, we may or may not continue this for F12.
Either way, we have a tight deadline for the F11 artwork: 1 February 2009 to make a final decision on the visual concept for the artwork.
We have a lot of ideas floating around now based on the idea of Leonidas:
- Golden ratio
- Nautilus
- Hellenic Age
- Nautical Equipment
- Maps
- Trireme (Greek Boat)
- Parthenon
- Mathematical Formulas
If you've got any cool ideas on how we can visually represent Leonidas for F11's artwork, please
join the conversation on fedora-art-list.