Well, I had a very long wierd dream last night.. I'll do what I do best; sum it up in a few sentences.
1. Dreamt it was the apocolypse or Nuclear War, and was super prepared for it. Also, there was a group of republicans who revealed themselves to be Nazi elitists.. Yeah.
2.Had this awesome 4 minute thing about Ichigo-Ishida lovin'. Long story short; Ishida in a white loincloth + Ichigo = I <3 Frot. Mm.. Problems.
3.I was headbutting an eyeless warthog. Not the Puumba from "Lion King" kind, the kind that not even lions fuck with. Then it finally figured out where I was and started chasing me in circles. Then Pyramid Head rescued me and walked off all cool like into the sunset.
Now I heart Pyramid Head.. Yup. I'm just gonna go wallow in my blankets.. cuz they're awesome.