too antsy to write this for real.... here's a copy of an email i sent tongiht

Apr 28, 2005 00:37

HI Diana,
it's Angela Matusiak. It's wednesday night and the duo playing
tonight, I think the posters said Matt and Eric, have spurred me to
email you right away. I was gathering baskets and plates when I heard
some lyrics being screamed out.
The lyrics I just heard were something to the effect of "we need more
gay multicultural representation at hope.
but until then, I can drop my soap".
I feel that that is totally crude and disgusting and disrespectful.
It implies that gays have uncontrollable urges, it lumps people of
color in that same statement. It implies violence is implicit with
both homosexuality and nonwhiteness. The sexual connotation alone,
with or without the degradation of both gays and people of color, is
not something I expected to hear on a Wednesday night coffeehouse.
You know me, I am very upset about this. To play a song dealing with
the de la Torre controversy (there was also mention about how this
will all die down and i think something to the effect of he just
wanted to leave and just belittled the whole matter), regardless of
the viewpoint is one thing. Freedom of expression is important and
allowed, and that is what all the rallying and discussions have been
about. But blatant sexual innuendo and the implication of unwholesome
activities being tied to two already marginalized groups is
unnecessary and not of the moral calibur that Hope tries to adhere to.
I know you care about respect for everyone--I remember how upset you
were when you found out that some orientation leaders were telling
first year students to avoid the Mexican side of downtown. I thought
this would be something you would want to know about.
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