Jan 05, 2009 16:39
Updated pairing meme, because I really, really had to.
I was looking at the pairing meme I previously did, and kinda had a few changes to make to it, so since I'm in the mood...
1. Kratos/Raine (Tales of Symphonia)
2. Ashe/Rasler (FFXII)
3. Asuma/Kurenai (Naruto/Naruto Shippuden)
4. Conrad/Julia (Kyou Kara Maou!)
5. Saya/Haji (BLOOD+)
6. Fran/Balthier (FFXII)
7. Sheena/Zelos (Tales of Symphonia)
8. Leon/Marian (Tales of Destiny)
9. BeastBoy/Raven (Teen Titans)
10. Sasuke/Sakura (Naruto/Naruto Shippuden)
11. Ashe/Basch (FFXII)
12. Raine/Regal (Tales of Symphonia)
13. Luke/Tear (Tales of the Abyss)
14. Larsa/Penelo (FFXII)
1. Why do you dislike #11 so much?
For starters, the age difference. Basch was around from the days of when Ashe was growing up in the palace, to her wedding, to her beloved husband's demise. Going through all that, I'd think he'd be more of a father or elder brother figure to Ashe than a lover or husband. But that's just this pathetic human's thoughts on the pairing.
2. Who do you know that ships #13?
Quite a lot of people, actually. I think there's probably more shippers for them than there is for Colette/Lloyd.
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
Being at home together, Kurenai probably with a book, and Asuma just watching tv or something. And not forgetting their kid! The very picture of a family.
4. What is your favorite moment for #1?
The little moments in TOS OVA 2? The skit where he had to use First Aid because of her cooking? Her "Internal strife? How pathetic." comment? I can't pick! I just love these two together!
5. How long have you been following couple #6?
Since I caught on on the subtle flirting Balthier was doing, and the fact that I had always suspected that they were together.
6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring?
I don't know, really. I think after a while, I just found Marian to be a more of a motherly figure to him than a lover. *shrug* (AND MY FANGIRLING OVER HIM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. KTHXBAI.)
7. Which ship do you prefer--#2 or #4?
Ashe/Rasler, hands down. I'm all for a broken romance, but these two really just hold a special place in my heart.
8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
Raine/Regal. A part of me doesn't really give a damn about Sasuke or Sakura so if they want to go get married and have kids, that's their problem. I just can't stand the fact that everyone pairs Raine with Regal because Kratos is on Derris Kharlan. It's stupid. There's no chemistry.
9. What interests you about #14?
I BLAME A PERSON ON DEVIANTART FOR THIS. She did a few Larsa/Penelo photomanips, and after a while I'd just go 'aww' everytime I see a fanart of them or something. They do look cute together anyway. *grin*
10. When did you stop liking #7?
I guess I stopped liking it after a few playthroughs when I had Sheena as my highest affection, and Sheena/Lloyd seems to be able to last longer than Sheena/Zelos IMO. Zelos can't just reserve himself for one woman, he needs to have 'em all!
11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series?
I think it was my waning interest in the series that killed me interest in the pairing. Sometimes I'd watch the series again for teh lulz, but I think I've moved on from them.
12. What's a song that reminds you of #5?
"Good Enough" by Evanescence.
13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
It's a tie between Kratos/Raine and Ashe/Rasler. One of them had captured my heart for a couple years now, and the other one just found their place there mid last year, when I got the game.
14. Which do you dislike the most?
Tie between Raine/Regal and Ashe/Basch.
15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?
Asuma/Kurenai and Fran/Balthier. Balthier would be hitting on Kurenai, Fran would get all annoyed, Asuma would get even more annoyed, he and Balthier would start fighting, Kurenai and Fran would just continue talking among themselves, not bothering about what their men are doing.
16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes.
YES, HELL YES. They've married, for Faram's sake.
17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely?
No, they didn't. Unfortunately she's dead, but hey, Yuuri is still alive, maybe he could just focus on protecting him?
18. What would make you start shipping #14?
I need to playthrough FFXII again, and find as many Larsa/Penelo hints as I can. (I'd actually thought Larsa was a girl when he first came into my party as 'Lamont')
19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 or #6?
Ashe/Rasler already happened, so I'd have to go with Fran/Balthier.
20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?
Sasuke gets his emofag ass back to Konoha, apologize for being the asshole he is to everyone who had faith in him, and Sakura opening her eyes and seeing that Sai likes her, and that they're be cute together! (*cough*HEDREWANUMBRELLAFORHER, KTHXBAI,*cough*)
tales of destiny,
kyou kara maou,
final fantasy xii,
tales of symphonia,
pairing meme