Title: Pajama Party indeed.
Pairing: Kangin/Eunhyuk
Genre: Soft smut, fluff, attempt at humor at the end. (failing)
Rating: NC17 I think is best if I rated it to. But there isn't anything really graphic.
Author notes: Excuse this. It's my first writing in a while now, so I apologize up front. = 3=
Hyukjae was pretty sure that this; was not part of their
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They're one of my favourite pairing, yet there's so little of it T-T
Write more please?:D
We Kanghyuk people need to stick together. xD
Haha, exactly. Gotta spread the love!♡
Do you mind if I friend you with both of my accounts? Cuz you seem like a cool person, and you're a Kanghyuk lover too so that adds to the awesome. ♥
Of course I don't mind ♡ I'd love to have another Kanghyuk lover on my flist:D
We're the same age kkk. And you have last.fm:D *goes add you there too*
And LOL. Yes we are. n___n But I can call you Unnie~~ I always wanted an Unnie. xD
Oooh! -goes to check her last.fm page- <333
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