Title: Just Be
Author: Tess/
mihane_echoRating: Rated BAWWCrymoar for angst
Word Count: 891
Spoilers: Through 4.13 Journey's End
Summary: The Doctor says goodbye to Donna.
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it belongs to the Beeb and I'm borrowing it to play with. I promise I will return them (marginally) unharmed. ;3
Author's Note: One should not have
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And of course right after that is Handy's debut so I have to watch that. After that I kind of... turn it off. ^^;
Ha, yeah. I'm sorry People, but the Doctor loves Donna more than anyone he's met in 900 years. Trufax.
I really should suck it up and rewatch Ash's scenes. Yis.
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