Jan 10, 2016 04:06

Sherlock: The Abominable Bride is the most watched programme over Christmas 2015
Posted on January 9, 2016 by Sherlock's Home

The BBC have revealed that the recent Sherlock special, ‘The Abominable Bride’, that aired on New Year’s Day was the most watched programme across all UK channels over the festive season.

The special that saw Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and the rest of the Sherlock gang travel back to Victorian times was seen by a staggering 11.6 million viewers in the UK. This makes it the second most viewed Sherlock episode ever, with only Series Three opener ‘The Empty Hearse’ beating it to the top spot with 12.7 million viewers. ‘The Abominable Bride’ also acheived the highest share of the audience of any Sherlock episode with 40.2 %. These figures don’t even include the expected high number of views the special has received on catch-up service, BBC Iplayer.

Sherlock’s producer, Sue Vertue, joked: “We are thrilled to be a hit in both 2016 and 1895.”

“After a two year wait, it’s incredible to see the indisputable power of Sherlock bringing the nation together to make it the biggest show of the festive season,” said Charlotte Moore, the Controller of BBC One. “It’s a tribute to the talented team behind this much loved show.”

This follows news of the episode’s success in its cinema showings worldwide. In Korea, ‘The Abominable Bride’ even outsold tickets from Stars Wars: The Force Awakens four to one. It even might have got the ball rolling on a proper Sherlock movie.

Михаил ГУРЕВИЧ и BBC Media Centre

Шерлок Холмс, bbc

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