Dec 05, 2007 10:26
Yay! Procrastination!
I should really be working on my paper, but so far today I have managed to do a whole lot of nothing. As I did last night. Of course, the conclusion of Tin Man was on last night, so can I really be blamed? This morning I have gone so far as to go out to the garage and sift through boxes in search of a random notebook that I really have no need of. I just happened to notice that the notebook was not on my bookshelves, and I panicked (read: procrastinated) and had to find it.
Intellectually, I know that I should just write the damn paper, and then I won't have to worry about it any more. But when did I ever do anything dictated by my head? For such a "smart" person, I sure am good at ignoring my better judgment completely.
On a related note, I had to have a stern talk with myself last night before bed. I blame old episodes of Grey's Anatomy. But in any case, my self-chiding seemed to actually work, for once. I woke up in a much better state of mind this morning.
Also, I had a dream last night that my bedroom was entirely covered in dirty laundry. I'm sure this has some psychological meaning, but I feel it's probably best not to dig too deep.