Sep 26, 2004 20:23
I went on a road trip this week that started in Granada, then to Sevilla, next Madrid, later Toledo, and finally back here in Granada again. Sevilla is a fun city, but it´s very easy to get lost. Very easy. In fact, I did. It only lasted for about an hour, but I tell you what: Toledo is not meant for people who were not born there. That´s not really true, but it´s hard to find your way around when there are no visual cues and the streets are too narrow for one car and the buildings are three stories tall. The Hostal we stayed in was nice though. There was a beautiful patio with vines growing everywhere. I saw two Flamenco concerts there, and both of them left awe-struck. Madrid was basically just a day lay-over, save for seeing Guérnica at the Reina Sofía. Now Toledo, Toledo is quite the city. It´s absolutely beautiful. It was once the capital of Spain eons ago. It was also a famous Jewish neighborhood, in fact it was a huge Sefardim quarter. There´s even a museum, which is really weird. It´s a transformed sinagogue, which is super chulo. The weirdness is that there´s a small section with a TV that depicts "the typical lives of Jews" in a couple of minutes. That was just really fucking weird, I can´t tell you. There are still a lot of swords in Toledo. I think one of the most absurd things about the "Reconquest" of Spain, is the sinagogues and Mosques magically turning into churches. The second of the two Sinagogues we visited was named "Sinagoga Santa María la Blanca." Yeah. I think maybe I missed a beat.
A summary of what I was thinking on the bus ride home: Life is living, that is to say being. We can only try to understand what´s going on. Most of the time religion seems to be working backward, having an answer first and then looking for evidence through cosmic coincidence. I don´t believe in predestination or free will. That situation is kinda sticky, so I´m not sure I can elaborate just yet. Official governmental religions are bullshit. They´re just terrible excuses to distract people, like shiny objects, and dress up what´s really just a struggle for power. "God (would) want(s) it this way." Maybe the most empty thing ever said by anybody. All I know is the middle class. I´m also trying to write a song, but the lyrics are giving me a hard time, and I can´t say the music´s just appeared, either. It´s about killing God.
La letra, thus far:
I killed him under the bodhi tree,
Now I can´t follow him
and he can´t follow me.
That´s it so far. I can´t believe how prentensious I can be when I´ve got time to kill. I better slow down.
Time to get ready for the start of classes this week,
Mishka Fingerspielpuppen
I don´t laugh anymore. I just cry for all the unhappiness in the world. HAHAHAHAHA! NOT! I´m still quite the happy lad. Give us a kiss, Love.