Jun 06, 2006 14:22
With my problems still active (No job, school up in the air) and now my grandmother is in the hospital for like the 5th time I can recall, Things are just getting to me. I know a lot of people I know kinda see me as a strong minded person sometimes with a will to match. Believe me, I've been through a lot in my life. But every once in a while, the armor cracks and so do I. I can take stress and pressure but only for so long. I'm not going crazy or upset at the world on a Doctor Doom level, but just feeling "bleh" about the way things are right now. Now I know everyone will tell me that "It will get better" and "You'll find something" And I know that to be true. It's the waiting and the time passing that kills me. Anyways, enough about me slipping into maddness day by day. Anime-Next approches and with not much coin in my pocket, It seems that I shall rely upon the kindness of my roomates to get me through this tough time. I look forward to it, but being broke during the event kinda sucks. Cause I know I am going to see something I want and I can't get it. Ah well, that is life. Shoen Jump in Philly is almost a month away and I don't have the means for that one. And that sucks cause I've been planning this and talking about it for a long time now. I don't feel like waiting until September until Regionals in Manhattan at the New Yorker Hotel or Shoen in Boston around the same time. I hope I find a way there. I've worked and reworked my deck and side deck time and time again. Coming up with Ideas and counters for things. Who knows. On a side note, I read that the youngest Yugioh national champion was crowned a few days ago at the tender age of 11, that young man proves that playing what everyone else is playing with can get you somewhere without skill at all....after I looked at his decklist on metagame.com mind you. Someone built that deck for him and showed him how to use it or he read the list somewhere online and did it himself. I would love to hear how he did when the Japanese eat him for lunch in the world championships. Well, all for now, Take care people and hope to see some of you at Anime-Next!