May 15, 2006 11:32
And boy does he suck.....I shall get into the whole yugioh filled weekend......right....about
........NOW! First things, on both days, I was one of the first to arrive at Neutral at like 6:30, with Kevin following close on saturday and he was there before me on sunday. Partick Murphy (COLD BLOODED!) showed his face, but in a good lovable way, finally Mr. Tropicana himself, the used car salesman of Yugioh, Kenny graced us with a egg and cheese on a roll in his mouth....oh then "The Bouncer" Hank showed up lol. He's great people. But Saterday was a almost poor showing of people for the Enemy of Justice preview. And after getting a closer expection of the cards, I almost can't blame people. Only a few cards are good...The no tribute or 1 tribute fairies that destory themselves the the endphase, Destiny Hero Diamond Dude, Macro Cosmos and Grand Convergance (or whatever it's spelled, i'm tired dammit). After doing a lot of untold heavy lifting of tables, and chairs, and supplies, and food, there was Casual play at the place I was at....named "FIGHTHOUSE" weapons were everywhere and men were grappling on the ground every time I looked around (Take that anyway you want). It got busy there every now and again, but nowhere near as chaotic as the Shadow of Infinity sneek peek. Not even the promise of a garanteed Toon Dark Magician Girl was enough to make people come on down. What can you do??? Having to meet melissa at like 5, so she can rip my box of EOJ open and plunder my cards, I left...telling good ole' Nate that I will be playing in the Regional tournament the next day.....What a boo-boo on my part. I show up the next morning, I'm second in line, some other guy is ahead of me, Nice guy, but i forgot his name and Kevin, who was judging the tournament, along with Patrick,Kenny, and head judge Albert Wu (If you do not know taht name...look his up his ranking) And that Tournament was almost a washout in the beginning. Nowhere near as many people as the last one. I finished the day 4-4.....3 of those wins came to me via no showing of my opponets. Whatever...after round 4 I was kicking myself for not helping judge the tournament and getting another box AND MAYBE cash as well.....Next time shall be different. After the tournament, Kevin and Nate were there helping kick myself as nate became more passionate about D-Hero Diamond Dude, to the point where it became an obbsession and he wants to build (And I quote) a Dude Deck. yep.... a dude deck....Guys, I think it's time for an intervention for nate, we take away all his Diamond Dudes, (Keep them for ourselves) and get Nate help through Electro-shock Thereapy and Kevin can take his job at neutral, while he's away. Overall it was way more fun working and hanging out with the guys I haven't seen in a while, (You know who you are!) and just BSing about yuigoh, video games and wrestling was fun. I got all the cards I wanted from EOJ from either the box, or trading with Kiesha the next day (CYBER PRIMA ROOLS!) and seeing Ricardo and Armando whipping ass yesterday was enjoyable. It almost makes me look forward to the next set of Yugioh cards...the POWER OF THE DUELIST!!!!!!!.......almost. Till next for THE POWER OF KURIBOH!
P.S. Two bright spots over the weekend was 1: Talking with Julia of about the Enemy of Justice cards and how she thinks some cards might change the game, and going to the Shoen in Philly. and 2: Brian was nice enough to let me play in the regionals for free! :D AWESOME!