Sep 01, 2004 20:20
so i am supposed. oh wait, i guess i haven't filled you in on a lot of stuff since my last entry. First Sarah and i.....we are no more...yeh i know we were all into eachother and kinda fooling around at lunch under the table and sneaking to make out spots. However, i mad a HUGE mistake, i thought that we should be honest with eachother, i mean you are supposed to be honest right? Okay so i told her that i didn't share the same religion as her (no i didn't bring up the subject, Ki did), i told her that i am a devout Wiccan. she goes like satanism and witchcraft. i said you have the witchcraft part right, and before i could tell her that i am sure that she has the wrong impression on it, she just walks off. the next day i decide that maybe we shouldn't be together if she cannot even hear me out or be open minded. so yesterday in french i go, we need to talk. yes we do, she says. before i can even say let me go first she says. Garrett i really liked you but i don't want to risk falling in love with you, like i was starting to do before yesterday, with someone who isn't going to be with me in heaven in the afterlife. I rolled my eyes and said that actually sounds like a plan. we vowed to be friends and haven't spoken since; some friends huh.
I have come to the conclusion layne is avoiding me, and i don't know why. she doesn't comment on my journal return my calls and amanda said that she is/might be moving and she didn't even call me to tell me
I am going to ask Christine out. isn't it ironic that Sarah's french name is K`ristine and the girl i am about to go out with is Christine? i also might ask out Kim, the 20 year old senior who likes me (she told me today) i think that i no longer have a league i am just all over the place. Niki thinks that since Sarah i am going for older people...Christine (Junior) Kim (Senior) Ki(Senior) Kelly (Junior. those are just some of the people i like that i know that i have a chance with...well all except for Ki.
I smelled like lamb all day today i washed my hands 3 times and it still reeks. i am going to go get MY lamb tomarrow in stevenville. so yeh i will be putting up with that now every day. i will be getting to the high school around 6:30 and going to the Ag barn. anyone who wants to join me come see me. i will chat you up! i will be in the far end of the barn where you hear all the BAAAAAAAAAAH's over and over agian. So yeh anyway so yeh. i will have to be up there an hour before school and 2 hours after! can you believe that. i have no ride from school, b/c i have to stay at least an hour after everyday so i have to wait until like 6:45 until my mum gets up there. grrrrrr....anyone staying after school. you can come join me... and help me clean out the sheep shit! lol
I have almost finished my synopsis for my book Assassin's Charge. tis wonderfull, unlike anyother book i have even done. when i am though i am sending it into Puffin Books.
I mean that movie is so freakin sad. Want to know what happens in the end? Of course you do or you wouldn't be reading this right now, they die. Yuppers the couple dies. It is so sad. They die in eachothers arms. i cried for a long time. that is one of the best saddest stories of all time. HOWEVER, i hoped for a happy ending. like they all conquered the ocean and sharks and were resuced. i want to do some research on that couple to find out if they really died. i just mad that it isn't what you go in expecting to watch, i thought is was a crock! GRRRRRR
yeh, i mean if you want like a romance or stuff like that than see it. it has a lot of love.
i have to go research the couple and my lamb STATS.
Bye loves (except the males)
i was supposed to go to the anime con. in dallas on mon. but the little asshole milton that isn't doable. little shit. now he has called my Ag teacher and said i want to get close to Garrett do you think this lamb will help...blah blah blah so basically he aired our dirty laundry and it pissed me off!!!! he will have nothing to do with this animal!!!