Aug 23, 2004 21:53
i compiled a LOT of my fav. questions that come up in survey's (questions that usually help you find out about one another) here it isThe Ultimate Survey
1. Full name:
2. Do you like it?:
3. Nicknames:
4. If you could change your first name, what would it be?:
5. Age:
6. DOB:
7. Height:
8. Hair colour:
9. Eye colour:
10. Where do you live?:
11. Do you like it there?:
12. Why/Why not:
13. Where were you born?:
14. Astrological sign:
15. Shoe Size:
The Fam..
16. Parents names:
17. Do you have any siblings?:
18. If so, what are their names and ages?:
19. Are your parents divorced/remarried/single?:
20. Pets:
21. Names of the pets:
22. Desired Pets:
23. If you could own any wild animal what would you own?
24. What wild animal personality resembles you the most?
25. Do you like your family?:
26. Favorite relative:
27. Number:
28. Color:
29. Season:
30. Holiday:
31. Month:
32. Day of the week:
33. Grade so far:
34. Sport:
35. Class:
36. Teacher so far:
37. Drink:
38. Alcoholic Beverage?
39. What kinda wine do you like?
40. Candy:
41. Food:
42. What food would you want live off of?
43. Fruit:
44. Movie:
45. Actor:
46. Actress:
47. Song:
48. Flower:
Love and Relationships...
49. Do you have a bf/gf?:
50. If so, who?:
51. If not, do you have a crush?:
52. If so, who?:
53. What is their strongest quality?:
54. Weakest quality?:
55. What physical feature attracted you to them first?:
56. If you could kiss one famous >MUSICIAN< who would it be and why?:
57. If you could kiss one famous >ACTOR< who would it be and why?:
58. What was the best kiss you ever had:
59. Describe the best kiss someone could give:
60. What was your longest relationship?:
61. Shortest:
62. First kiss:
63. Most recent kiss:
64. Who is one person you've liked but >NEVER< said a thing?:
65. Do you like to make the first move?:
66. In a relationship are you dominant or submissive?:
67. Which do you prefer?:
68. If you could take back one thing you did, what would it be and why?:
69. Do you have any regrets?:
70. Last thing you said:
71. last song you heard:
72. Last person you talked to:
73. If you could get back together with an ex, who would it be and why?:
74. Who is your Closest friend?:
75. If you could spend a day with someone (anyone) who'd it be?:
76. What are you doing right now?:
77. What cd is in your cd player?:
78. Are you cold?:
79. If you could listen to music right now, would you?:
80. If so, what song?:
81. What time is it?:
82. Where are your parents?:
83. What swear word do you use most often
84. Are you going to get married?:
85. Are you going to have children?:
86. If yes, how many?:
87. What will you name them?:
88. Do you want to go to college?:
89. Your top 5 things to do in the next 10 years:
Have you ever...
90. Drank:
91. Smoked:
92. Skinny Dipped:
93. Prank called the police:
94. Been followed, chased ect by the police:
95. Been high:
96. Done drugs:
97. If so, what?:
98. Stole:
99. Met someone off the net:
100. Been in a fist fight:
101. Punched your sibling/parent:
102. Wished you'd die:
103. Tried to commit suicide:
104. Broken a bone:
105. Driven illegally:
106. Thrown things at your parents:
107. Run away:
108. What kind of music do you listen to?:
109. Do you write in cursive or print?: .
110. Are you a lefty, righty, or ambidextrous:
111. Do you have any piercing/tattoos?:
112. If so, where?:
113. If not, do you want any, where?:
114. If you could live anywhere else, where would you live?:
115. If you could have a 6th sense, what would it be?:
116. Ever taken anything from a hotel?:
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
117. Age you act :::
118. Current location :::
119. Eye color :::
120. Hair color :::
121. Zodiac sign? :::
122. Height? :::
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
123. Your heritage/nationality :::
124. Your fears (3 emotional fears and 3 physical fears):::
125. Your perfect house :::
126. What you practically do in a day :::
127. What you do most often in school or work:::
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
128. Words you overuse :::
129. Phrases you overuse :::
130. Your first thought when you wake up :::
131. Your greatest accomplishment :::
132. Something you want to do :::
[x] Part 4 - Which do you prefer [x]
133. Pepsi or Coke :::
134. McDonald's or Burger Kings :::
135. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :::
136. Chocolate or vanilla :::
137. Adidas or Nike :::
138. Black or white :::
139. Burgers or hot dogs :::
140. Egypt or France :::
141. Rock or rap ::: Rock
142. New Age or Classical:::
143. Suspense or Drama:::
144. Action or Horror:::
145. Thriller or Romance:::
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
146. Smoke :::
147. Cuss :::
148. Sing well :::
149. Sing in the shower :::
150. Talk to yourself --a lot-- :::
151. Believe in yourself :::
152. Play an instrument :::
153. Want to go to college? :::
154. If so what one? :::
155. Want to get married? :::
156. Want to have children? :::
157. Think you're a health freak? :::
158. Get along with your parents :::
159. Get along with your siblings? :::
160. Think you're popular :::
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
161. Gone out of state :::
162. Been on stage :::
163. Gone skinny dipping :::
164. Been dumped :::
165. Dyed your hair :::
166. Stolen anything :::
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
167. Last dream :::
168. Last nightmare :::
169. Car ride :::
170. Last time you cried :::
171. Last movie seen :::
172. Last movie rented :::
173. Last book read :::
174. Last word said :::
175. Last curse word said :::
176. Last time you laugh :::
177. Last phone call :::
178. Last annoyance ::: Mackenzie
179. Last IM ::: Suzanne
180. Last weird encounter :::
181. Last person you hugged :::
182. Last person you yelled at :::
183. Last time you fought with your parents :::
184. Last time you wished upon a star :::
185. Played Truth or Dare :::
186. Spent quality time alone :::
187. [x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
188. What do you think of George Bush? :::
189. Any secret fetishes? :::
190. How many languages do you speak? :::
191. Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
192. Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
193. Name Four Scents You Love:
194. Name Four People That Know You the Best:
195. Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
196. Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
197. Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
198. Name Four Bands/Groups Most People Don’t Know You Like:
199. Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
200. Name four of the most romantic things you can think of:
201. First Grade Teacher Name?
202. Last Words You Said?
203. Last song you sang?
204. Last Person You Hugged?
205. Last Thing You Laughed At?
206. Last Time You Said ’I Love You’ And Meant It?
207. Last Time You Cried?
208. What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
209. What’s Under Your Bed?
210. What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
211. Current Clothes?
212. Current Annoyance?
213. Current Longing?
214. Current Desktop Picture?
215. Current Worry?
216. Current Hate?
217. Favorite thing about the opposite sex?
218. Last CD You Bought?
219. Favorite Place To Be?
220. Least Favorite Place?
221. Time You Wake Up In The Morning?
222. If You Could Play An Instrument?
223. Favorite Color?
224. How Tall Are You?
225. Current Favorite Word/Saying?
226. One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To:
227. Where Would You Like To Go?
228. What Is Your Career Going To Be Like?
229. How important to you is making money?
230. Right when you figure out you like someone, do you tell them?
231. Fav. subject?
232. If you could be the BEST at any sport what would it be?
233. What is your dream home (discribe in detail)?
234. If it was possible for you to have any career you wanted, what'd it be?
235. The best thing about you?
236. The worst?
237. What is the thing that you are best at?
238. Worst?
239. What is a "wierd" hobby/interest?
240. What is the best setting to be kissed?
241. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the most) how important is a kiss?
242. The "wierdest" thing you've done?
243. If you could learn any language what'd it be?
244. Where would you live, besides the US?
245. Why?
246. The best president?
247. Why?
248. If you could live any where in USA, what city and state (seprate, ex not New York city New York, like California and Seattle)?
249. Why?
250. If you could be any Mythical Beast (i.g. Phoenix, Griffon, etc) what would it be?
251. Why?
252. If you could LIVE in any TV show what would it be?
253. If you could only see in shades of one color, what color?
This or that Quiz: What you like better
254. Japan or China:
255. New York or L.A.:
256. San Francisco or Seattle:
257. Paris or Rome:
258. Egypt or Kenya:
259. Greece or Italy:
260. Europe or Africa:
261. Asia or Australia:
262. N. America or S. America:
263. Rose or Lily:
264. Temple or Shrine:
265. Old or New:
266. Past or Present:
267. Culture or Places:
268. Exotic or Not:
269. Beach or Forest:
270. Waterfall or Spring:
271. Autumn or Summer:
272. Winter or Spring:
273. Foreplay or Afterplay:
274. Elizabethan or Renaissance times:
275. Medieval or Romantic period:
276. Kiss or be Kissed
Which one ARE you Quiz
277. Candle or light bulb:
278. Foreplay or Afterplay:
279. Forest or Ocean:
280. Rural or Urban:
281. Past or Present:
282. Making out in the Rain or Cuddled under a blanket:
283. Movie or TV:
284. Intimacy or Passion
285. Green or Red:
286. Blue or Yellow:
287. Pink or White:
288. Water or Fire
289. Predator or Prey:
290. Wise or Emotional:
291. Teach or learn:
292. Ask or Tell:
293. Foresight or Empathy:
294. Telekinesis or Pyrokinesis
295. Europe or America:
296. Kisser or Kissie:
297. Introvert or Extrovert:
298. Story-teller or the Reader:
299. Some yourself up in a paragraph or two: