Jun 01, 2010 20:40
Really I just need icons in general. I used to make most of mine, looks like I just need to get GIMP again and try it out. It can't be that uh...hard to do, right? RIGHT?!
So! I haven't disappeared again, just been lurking and playing DSL and reading fanfics, because let's face it, that's what I do.
I also read Good Omens, and really? It's a great book! :) I liked it a lot. But having watched the last season of Supernatural I really have to wonder how Kripke got away with SPN's Crowley. Maybe Gaiman and Pratchett are fans? Granted it's more like an homage than an out and out ripoff, but the two characters are so ridiculously similar. I went back and watched the Crowley episodes, and just kind of shook my head.
I've been tossing around ideas for a SPN fanfic, it started out slashy because that's the primary fic genre I read but now it's a full on freaking episode. Without slash, actually. rofl whatever, I'll probably never get around to writing it anyway, so doesn't really matter :)
We've been having a whole lot of thunderstorms lately. More than usual. I'm not a fan of thunderstorms at all, so it's made for an unhappy kait, particularly since they've had a *lot* of lightning, and that's my least favorite part of storms.
Did anyone see the hole in guatemala? I'm not convinced it's really a sinkhole, or uh, real at all, but it's impressive either way! Looks like it may have at some point been a lava shaft thing, but it also looks like someone bored it out with some giant machine. My two main theories are graboids or war of the worlds. Either way, we're screwed.
Well. I'm off to go look at/make screenshots to make icons. Have fun :)