I do read your journals, at least once every few days, I just rarely comment. I'm sucky like that. I've been working, and playing World of Warcraft. I wish I could say I've been working *alot*, but I haven't. 35-38 hours per week isn't enough. I guess I'll have to get another job, but I'm not sure what to do. I know if I overextend myself, all my health problems will come back again, and quite frankly that worries me more than just a little bit. I'm eeking by with the money I'm getting for the 35-38 hours per week, so I'll see how it goes with that for a little while longer, I think.
Awhile ago, I went through all my WoW servers and deleted all my characters off of them. My main, on Hyjal, was a level 60 rogue named Cithaya. She was a human. She was pretty neat. I said I wasn't going to play anymore, because I didn't have the money for it. I wasn't lying, it is a 'luxury expense', but I think I can manage it, it's only $14 a month, and it helps get my mind off things for a little while each day. We all need something like that, y'know? Once I get rid of the cellphones (next month, thank god) I will continue to pay for the warcraft. And I won't delete my characters this time. *grumble*
I've started another character...also called Cithaya....on Hyjal. She's a night elf rogue, and I adore her. She's very neat. I think I'm going to wait on joining any guilds with her though, it's kinda fun running around by myself. (That will of course change the moment I want to do any instances. You wait and see.)
I don't really have anything interesting to report. Oh wait. I passed my exam, I'm now nationally certified as a pharmacy technician. I can't remember if I put that in here or not. Found out a couple years ago. All that really means is that I can put CPhT after my name when I sign things, and I should (hopefully) be getting a raise for it. It also means I can work anywhere in the country as a pharmacy tech, including in hospitals. That's neat, I guess.
No new guys, still overweight, still worried about money. That's uh, me in a nutshell. It's kind of disturbing how long I've been able to basically say those three things about myself and sum up my life.
Create your own! Originally Written By
ga_woo, Hosted and ReWritten by
darkman424 I think it's neat. The best part is, I don't have some of those interests anymore. I didn't even know what they were, I had to go back and look.
Alright, time to take a shower and go to bed. Gotta work in the morning.