Oct 28, 2005 11:01
This morning I went to the University registrar page to see about getting a transcript for a job application, and several amazing things happened.
1) I was actually able to get into the site and get to all my stuff. Keep in mind that I could never manage to access the registrar page when I was a student and actually needed it. But I remembered both my ID *and* my password, and I didn't even have to feel old by calling the registrar to ask my password and asking them which ID number it would be.
2) I got in and looked at my transcript, and they'd changed my name at the top from Katherine E. Neal to Katherine E.Harrison. I'm impressed. I wasn't aware that I'd changed my name at Sewanee, but apparently I did when I changed it on the alumni page. Cool. They're surprisingly on the ball up there.
3) I looked at my final GPA and discovered that it was .01 lower than I thought. Meaning that I got cum laude by .02 points. Which is even funnier than when I thought it was by .03. But hey, cum laude is cum laude. Awesome.
4) Despite the lowered GPA, I did discover a few semesters when I had no idea my grades were as good as they were...I mean I guess I was aware at the time, but typically by the time I got my grades I didn't really care about the class anymore and I'd forget usually as soon as I saw them. So yea.
In non-academic news, I got a new iBook this week...Pete wants us to start playing World of Warcraft together (no really, I tried it and it's pretty fun) and my eMac OS wasn't new enough, and there wasn't enough memory to install a new one. So Christmas came early. And this is a good thing because although my old computer is slowing down a bit, it's still quite functional and I can still get stuff off of it. (My first laptop was a Dell piece of crap with Windows ME and it pretty much ate itself and started deleting files randomly) ANyway, whilst transferring files I went through my iPhoto library and moved all of the pictures....I got the eMac around the same time that I got my digital camera which was Christmas of Sophomore year. So it's my entire sewanee career, minus 3 semesters, that are documented on this computer. And I'm starting up a webshots page...it's currently got like 2 albums on it but I don't remember the address, so I'll get it further updated and pass on the link. And then you can all share in such humerous moments as Pete with a rat on his head (no I'm not referring to the beard, although that's in there too), Kyle standing on his head in the 520 suite, and Michelle melting a peep the night before her comp.
Have a fine day, all.