Aileen needs....

Feb 19, 2009 17:08

Google your name followed by 'needs' and post the first 10 results.

1.Aileen needs to lose some weight
2.Aileen needs to try to stay off her feet, clearly something that is easier said than done with young children in the house.
3.Aileen needs a loan to purchase more meat ingredients for her barbecue business.
4.Aileen needs some buddies.
5.Aileen needs to find out about that bone.
6.Aileen needs to be reimbursed for her expenses of ordering the T-shirts.
7.Aileen needs to find out what “K.B.E.” stands for.
8.Aileen needs God in her life.
9.Aileen needs to injure her attacker as quick as possible to ensure that her body has sufficient oxygen to function productively.
10.Aileen needs to stop being such a freaken girly girl!

Hahaha I like number 3( ooh yes meat!) and 9 (take that freak).
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