Apr 15, 2004 15:06
I ditched school and went with Kiley to her first real oltrasound!! OMGosh it was the cooolest thing ever! I watched them put the jelly on her belly (that ryhmes) and then use that little thing so you could see the baby! I saw everything i couldn't even blink it was so amazing. But they couldn't tell what the baby was because the baby is breech. (that means the feet are the first to come out not the head)anyway so they couldn't get the thing low enough to see what it was. But i feel bad for her because she is only five months... and she is having contractions.. not a good thing. SO every week she has to come down here and get a shot.. in her butt. Totally painful. Anyway i watched them give it to her and talk about OUCH!! The nurse put the neetle clear up to her shoulder and threw it in like a dart. Oh i watched kiley's reaction and she started to cry. I felt so bad for her. Plus they gave her one last week and she has this huge bruise from it. Anyway... we went to lunch later.. Panda express not bad not bad. But later that night... we both had a craving for carmel apples so i went to the store and bought some apples and carmel crap. Then i made them.. but i forgot the peanuts so luckily we had paydays. We were so desperate for the nuts on the apples that we pealed them off of the paydays and crushed them and then sprinkled them on the apples. It was sooo good. Man i am a good cook.