I have decided to have a friending frenzy for my birthday today! If you would, kindly, pass this along to your lists and invite people over here to introduce themselves and chat. I'm all about meeting new people, and what better day to do it than on your birthday?
About Me:
I am 36 years old (today) and am happily married to
onceupon. I am going to school for Computer Engineering and will be greaduating at the end of next year with TWO Associates degrees. I am a self-styled Maker and deviser of devices, and like tinkering with things to see how they work and how I can make them work better. I will probably never be done learning. My hobbies/interests include gadgets, electronics, electronic music, bass guitar, photography, household automation, alternative energy, alternative fueled vehicles, being prepared for a literal or metaphorical zombie apocalypse, and dreaming of the perfect garage workshop I will build myself one day.
Fair warning: I rarely write posts directly to LiveJournal, instead preferring to Tweet extensively and to send pictures from my futurephone and to have that all kind of settle here on LJ like some sort of sediment from my life. If that's okay with you, bring it on!
So, tell me about YOU!