a litany of complaints

May 19, 2008 22:53

I am back in Utah for fieldwork. Today was day 5 of actually being in the Tule Valley, not just settling into the bargain motel in Delta. Days 1 and 2 were at H, same as last year. Days 3 through tomorrow are at sections C and D. They are beastly. D is accessible only up a very steep gully, which conveniently has a 40-foot cliff that has to be walked around on the slope. Consequently, my body hurts.

Muscles that hurt: traps (particularly the right), thigh adductors, something in my lower right calf, hip extensors, anything in my feet.

General areas that hurt: neck, upper back, legs, feet.

Sunburned/almost sunburned: arms, stripe on my lower back from too-short t-shirt, cheeks, nose.

Bruised: knees, skin over hip bones and collar bones; bonus paired abrasions/bruises on lower back where the pack rests.

Blisters: feet, particularly big toes and the ball of the foot.

Miscellany: scrapes both bleeding and superficial, small thorn punctures in hands.

I walk like a bow-legged 70 year old former cowboy. It's kind of funny, except it hurts.

On the plus side, the view from the top of the beastly sections is pretty damn nice. I can see Sevier Lake from the top of D. Pictures when I'm home with my camera cord in June.

All of this is good for me, however reluctant I am to do it. I've never really done a day of physical work before, and it's kicking my ass. I'm seeing awesome trilobite horizons (particularly at the very top of D, go figure) and I'll probably be less wimpy when I'm done with this, so it's really pretty win-win. I just like to whine.
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