OOC - Custom Disney Villain Icons

Sep 25, 2029 14:36

Save where specifically noted, I made all of Mozenrath's icons, and I did this largely by hanging around on youtube and taking screencaps for HOURS at a time. I enjoy doing this. I'm fine with people using his icons so long as they give me (or in the case of icons not mine -- the original maker) credit.

I have also made icons for two other Disney villains, both from the Aladdin TV series: Sadira, and Mirage.

With ALL my icons, I've only done MILD photoshopping, first to correct any disproportionate body parts, and things like eyes being ridiculously out of alignment. These are things we might not notice when we watch the cartoon because these frames are there for a fraction of a second. I also do a little touching up, but just to make certain that the shots I provide are as clear and crisp as they can possibly be. They are only bases, and that's all I need to be credited for.

Sadira's Icons

Sadira's icons are taken from all four of her episodes in the series, but I have not managed to capture her two-second cameo from King of Thieves.

The full album is here. Password is "sandwitch".

Mirage's Icons

These icons are taken ONLY from the episode "The Lost Ones" from the final Season of Aladdin, where for some reason the animators decided to COMPLETELY revamp her design. I for one liked the change. Her head was less bulky and proportionate for her body. They actually USED the feline characteristics (her ears move around based on her expression, for example), and she looks more Egyptian because they leaned toward an Egyptian breed of cat for the design. Kind of important since that's part of her theme. This episode is also NOTORIOUS for not having many, if ANY good quality versions online in full video, much less screencaps. There are clearer pictures of bigfoot on the internet than there are of Mirage in this episode, so I take great pride in being able to collect more than 60 clear icons from less than seven minutes of footage, with a variety of facial expressions for persons wishing to RP her.

The full album is here. Password is "thelostones".

Rules for usage:

1. As with my Moze icons, if you choose to take them, credit mightymorbid.
2. I would also appreciate a comment here saying you're taking them.
3. Do NOT direct link, please. Download them and upload them to LJ yourself.
4. If you're going to use the bases to make other icons specifically, let me know, and link me to the final product! I still require credit for the base.
5. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not work for Disney nor do I profit from the icons I make. Support Aladdin by buying the movies, and tell Disney you want an official release of the series on DVD. If you would like to request icons from a specific episode, ask me here! You can also contact me over AIM under the name SchmooeyFoo.


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