-73- [Candid video] - Optional Spam for Tony and Molly

May 05, 2011 18:54

[Mozenrath was just checking his journal for something and doesn't seem to realize he's activated the camera when he sets it down again. Xerxes, hanging just within view to the left side of the screen, does appear to notice, and he flips and swims at the sorcerer, who has since turned to berate the two student Wardens making potions in his room, Tony Foster and Molly Carpenter.]

"Great Master--!"

Be silent, Xerxes.

[The sorcerer distributes ingredients to each of them, dumping out Molly's first. The eel looks conflicted.]

This one should be simple for you. You don't even have to stir. Just measure the right amounts -- I even labeled them for you. [Drops book and speaks slowly] Follow the directions. Prepare as it says. Then throw them in boiling water. If you can boil water without setting yourself or me on fire, then perhaps your gender will let you back in. And get your station organized! You're such a slob.

[Even though he's the one that dumped the ingredients all over :| Moze is a dick. And then on to Tony, who appears to be getting a slightly more complicated pile of componants.]

You: this potion actually compliments the other. You have to prepare both and combine them for it to work. Note the ingredients: Lethe's bramble, asphodel root, raven hearts -- and this [holds up something blackened and probably not something a person should touch] is apparently a dead man's index finger. [looking pointedly at Tony, because he thinks it's weird that you have a thing for vampires] Try not to have sex with it. And use a different knife to cut it. The rest of these--

"Mozenrath! Talking book--"

Xerxes, I said shut up.

(ooc: We've already talked and assumed this is pretty much a regular thing, but I thought I'd throw up an entry and spam in case Tony or Molly's muns wanted to play some out)

all work and some magic, tony foster, potions, being a little shit, vampires they're funny, my magic is better than yours, xerxes, surrounded by idiots, molly carpenter

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