May 21, 2006 13:14
This is something my friend Heather posted on her AML journal last week and she gave me her permission to re-post it. She'd been going through an attack of the enemy and decided to talk trash about him just because he's already been defeated and because he's a punk and he's underneath the feet of the believers in Christ. It's pretty poignant... Here's what she wrote:
"I really like that I can talk trash about the devil, for he is the one from whom all evil runs.
So yeah, he's a yellow-bellied punk, full of hypocrisy and reeking of greed and hatred. His lips drip with malice and the inncocent blood of lost souls. There is no remorse in his eyes and his hands have known no act of kindness or mercy. His tongue rolls out lie after lie, fooling all who dare believe him.
He doesn't have a flowing red vampire cape, or horns, or even that awful, useless pitchfork. No, he looks like the guy next door. He's a sweet talker with an engaging smile and fiery eyes who just wants to shake your hand. He just wants to say hello. He wants to send you a very cordial and innocent invitation to his ever-so-humble abode. Then all he wants is one simple kiss. Or perhaps just one beer, just one cigarette, just a tiny bit of gossip. He'll say he's on your side. He'll agree with whatever it is you say, as long as he has you thinking about it. He just wants you to think about it. Once he has your thoughts swarming, he will offer his own sympathy, his own opinion, his own advice, his own ideas. And somehow it's always exactly what you wanted to hear. Suddenly he has become your friend. That's all he ever wanted, right?
Unfortunately, though, he hates you. He hates everything about you for the simple reason that you are God's creation. Maybe he's jealous that he couldn't create you himself, that he is virtually powerless against God. Maybe he just doesn't have anything better to do. Whatever the reason, he's a liar, a cheater, a murderer, and a thief. Basically the infamous scum of the Heavens and earth.
What a loser."