Oh Lauren... long time no talk. I hope you had a wonderful time in Florida. And I hope everything is going really well for you... things are going great for me, except for the whole weight thing. I'm graduating in a week and then my boyfriend and I are moving to Vista so I can get my teaching credential. Oh and... scary thing here... I'm the varsity cheer coach for good ole FUHS... its kinda weird being back there after being gone for 4 years, but nevertheless its pretty fun. You sound well, sounds like you're in control of your life. I wish that my eating was as undercontrol as yours. For the last year I've just been a mess in that aspect of my life. I was packing today to get ready to move and I found all of my "skinny" clothes. God how I miss them. I refused to give them to goodwill, because I will wear them again. I just feel disgusting and so out of control. But luckily my roommates already moved, and took the fridge with them, so that should help a little bit. But anyways, enough about me. I hope that you have an excellent day and I'll talk to you later. ♥ , Megan
♥ , Megan
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