
Apr 15, 2008 08:43

Our freezer beef is ruined. Not all of it, but a LOT of it, and mostly the good stuff. What's left is mostly ground beef, a couple of arm roasts, soup bones, and a package of short ribs. That's all that survived the Meltdown of '08. I'm glad I caught it before even that thawed out into ruination. Stupid useless cheap-ass electrical outlet situation. The plug got jostled loose. Who knows when or even how. It must have been late last week since I used a sirloin steak to make an Asian beef salad last Wednesday and everything was fine. When I opened it yesterday evening there odor. There was a trail of reddish ooze coming out from underneath the freezer. I stuck my hand inside the freezer compartment. It was balmy. The temperature inside the freezer was above 40 degrees according to our little thermometer. I poked one of the packages of rib steaks that was on top of the pile. It was completely squishy and warm. I screamed, "WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK JESUS H CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?"

30 minutes, massive amounts of swearing, a hot rag and a bottle of Lysol later I had removed all of the too-far-gone beef into one cooler, stashed what seemed to still be frozen or mostly frozen (everything that was down in the depths of the freezer) in another cooler, mopped up all the loose blood (seems some of the vacuum-sealed packages weren't so vacuum-sealed after all) and put the probably-still-good beef back into the freezer. Which was now plugged directly into the shitty-ass outlet instead of the shitty-ass triple splitter that we're forced to use for the dehumidifier, beef fridge, and freezer because our stupid-ass POS basement only has ONE GODDAMN OUTLET. I yelled, "FUCK the dehumidifier, the only things getting plugged into this outlet are the beer fridge and the beef freezer!"

Clearly one can tell what's important in my life: beef and beer.

I'm so pissed off. I think we lost at least 50 pounds of the best beef I've ever had. This was "our cow" that was supposed to last us for two years. Now all I have left are 15 one-pound bags of ground beef and a random assortment of stuff. All of the round steaks, T-bones, sirloin, chuck roasts, and most of the short ribs, arm roasts, and rib steaks are gone.

I'm going to be making a lot of chili.

I'm also going to take electrical tape and bind that plug to that cheap-ass outlet so this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

On the bright side (if there is one) there's now room in the freezer for a side of pork...


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