Lindsay is probably one of the only "TEEN" singers/actors that I like. I prefer her over Hillary, Ashlee Simpson, Avril, etc.... but she got caught Lip-syncing.
Lohan Branded A Lip Syncer After TV Performance
(Soundbuzz, Wednesday December 8)
Lindsay Lohan has been accused of lip-syncing during a supposedly live TV performance of two debut album tracks.
Lindsay appeared on popular American show Good Morning America to preview her eagerly-anticipated LP 'Speak'. However phone lines were subsequently jammed by viewers complaining she'd mimed the words and blatantly missed her cues. One said she did "a woeful job of lip-syncing her way through two mind-numbingly generic Britney Spears/Ashlee cast-offs. "She looked like she hadn't even bothered to learn the songs properly." But representatives for Lohan insist she sung every word of the tunes 'Rumors' and 'Over' with the aid of a "backing track".
Good Morning America spokeswoman Bridgette Maney says, "All musical artists that perform on Good Morning America are required to perform live. On occasion, artists will have a backing track to support their live vocals." In October Ashlee Simpson dashed from the Saturday Night Live stage when a guide track she was using started before she was expecting it to.