But still the road goes on...

Sep 20, 2008 17:34

This is long overdue.

I crash landed in rainy northern new England where I learned about lights and love and moving vehicles that take celluloid reflections and turn them on their heads. I slept in close proximity with the marrow of life and tasted its forbidden fruits, Still, I had to walk away, for I can not let myself be at rest. I bared my mountainous soul to a room full of strangers and teachers only to feel parts of my self torn away, put under microscopes and labeled revolutionary. I was ridiculed for my passion but stood firm in my beliefs as a result I was lost before I even got to the road. I ate up the desert to be reminded of duty, honor and the power of commodity love. I can’t even buy American shoes anymore. The guilt of weighted holidays pressed in and so I left with scarcely a note attached. Headed north to see the great unknown and to connect with other rucksack wanders at the end of their journeys to confirm the beginning of mine. I saw the center of the universe set in cement so that it can’t be stolen. Mountains of fresh chewing gum aroma and the pines that go on longer then my heart. I have never seen a car packed so tight in my life, and while dogging projectors and remnants of dumpstered breakfast I contemplated the meaning of it all beneath my world worn shoes. Tourist traps are always that, disappointing, but the sun set over lakes and crevasses is just as good as a game of twenty questions. Twilight lanterns stretch the highway further than the sun rising over corn fields. With a boom the expanse of the west collides with the power of the state. Black buster officers with shields and swords attack the youth with ideological rhetoric and bombs to boot. Pepper belongs in food not eyes. Amidst people together for the common good and messages of hope and peace turmoil was building, and in the city of twins I saw the future. Like a feverish dream the clamoring for a new kind of dialogue people upon people pleading for some semblance of rationality we were fed pamphlets like food, and though my knowledge has increased I am left stricken by a intellectual famine scarred that the bottom rushing up at us in unpreventable and while I shrilly scream that the end is coming not one person will turn their heads from the flicker lights of an instant message text machine to see that the world is all around us and that god is trying to get our attention. We are caught up so much in 24 hours infotainment that we cant see people as people only bobbleheads. I saw freedom disappear under clouds of smoke and explosions. I escaped in time to savor the last bit of liberty before heading home. Upon return I have felt lost and confused and older than I should. Like a sage that has returned form a quest into the world I find the more I explore the universe to find more of myself the more I alienate people from me because they don’t have the same experience. They are further removed and each step close to my salvation puts me a step further away from humanity. In light of this all letters from across the pond fill me with both joy and heartbreak for I know that I can never be with the people that move me and though they remain prominent in my life I am unable to remove the heart from my sleeve. I am glad the silly bitch didn’t die. And so now I remain connected to the ground in an attempt to come back to clocks with the same math and once the wanderlust fades from memory to legend I will have rooted to my place and like a tree absorb the energy from the earth and provide shelter to my friends again.
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