May 27, 2010 08:44
So, on all the cheddars I made early in the year, I'm noticing a very gouda-esque flavor and texture profile. I think it's because there was too much whey left in the curds, and the wax trapped it inside the cheese, resulting in that slightly bitter and elastic gouda taste/texture instead of the sharp/dry combination I look for in a cheddar.
In an attempt to fix this problem, I have put down a 2 gallon cheddar wheel that was not waxed. This time, I used the "traditional" preservation method that involves coating the cheese in lard and then putting muslin over that. It's messy, and I don't think I did it quite right, but I'll put down a couple and see how they turn out.
Sorry... I haven't had a chance to get a picture of the wheel. I ended up doing the larding/dressing at about 2:00 AM after Emily's 1:30 AM feeding, and at that point I was only marginally coherent. Hopefully this afternoon, I'll have time to wax the havarti and figure out what the heck I'm going to do with the dying cheese cave...