They gave him the speeding ticket because in Massachusetts a dui penalty is about common as bigfoot.
Read the whole thingRAMINGHAM - A Hudson man is being held without bail until a hearing today to determine if he is a danger to the public after he was arrested for his fifth drunken driving charge in Massachusetts.
An officer arrived and several people pointed to a sports utility vehicle that had just pulled out of the parking lot and said the driver was intoxicated, Shastany said. Officer James Green drove behind the vehicle, which was traveling 50 mph in a 35 mph zone, and pulled it over.
Newell said he had had four drinks and then handed the officer a suspended Texas driver's license, police said. Newell was arrested and Green asked people at Nobscot Cafe how the man got his injuries. They said he went outside and fell flat on his face.
Newell, of 10 Sauta Farm Way, was charged with operating a vehicle under the influence, a fifth offense. He was also cited for speeding.
He has been convicted four times in Massachusetts and twice in Texas, according to his criminal history report.
I say its bullshit that he got ratted out like that. But, look on the bright side, its Massachusetts. You still have like 9 strikes to go before they "punish" you.