Jun 30, 2016 16:34
Google Translate: It is a shop of a new era!
Original Phrase: 新しい時代のお店です!
Google Translate: Tag has broken, but the body of the material is also not too noticeable flame sewing.
Original Text: タグには折れがありますが、本体の素材も縫製も目立った難はありません。
Google Translate: ※ us, we try a quick polite dealings. But I will contact you also in Navi from here after a successful bid, 〒, address, name, phone number, the dispatch method of hope, Once we receive notice of the transfer method, so we recommend checking the postage, thank you humbly.
Original Text: ※当方、迅速丁寧なお取引を心がけております。
Google Translate: ★ remote island in case additional charges will occur. (Please question anxious)
Orginal Text:(気になる方はご質問ください).
Google Translate:(You trade in a sequential e-mail or contact matter) auction sale goods, we have kept in each of the following warehouse.
Actual Phrase: (順次メールまたは連絡事項でのお取引となります) オークション販売品はそれぞれの下記倉庫に保管しております。
Google Translate: Photo comedian is about bonus because of a bruise
Actual Phrase: 写真三枚目は傷みあるためおまけ程度に。
Google Translate: Camping & BBQ supplies to choose not to fail even for the first time
Actual phrase: 初めてでも失敗しないキャンプ&BBQ用品選び.
Google Translate: Seeing, thank you. Upon arrangement of the room, I will send the ones that are no longer needed.
Actual phrase: ご覧頂き、ありがとうございます. 部屋の整理に際し、不要になったものを出品させて頂きます.
Google Translate: Pokemon figure and was much egg rayquaza metagross
Original Text: ポケモン フィギュア びっくら.
Listing: Metagross and Rayquayza pokemon kids.
Description: Once upon a time is a car sticker you ordered overseas. Since the water resistance, you stick them freely such as a window or a car.