PreS: I went to Houlihan's with Jarvis and his coworkers, who were definitely cool. They just didn't have drinks for me.
So yeah, camelbak with Jack and Dr. Pepper. Yay! I have enough to get me buzzed while I'm watching...something. Memory fades. I also jack some rum/coke from Brandon (who owes me 10bux still, the fucker). Anyway, the group of Anna and Sean's friends go up to the hotel room, and I join them to mise some free drink. If my memory's good, which it's not, I have two peach schnopps, a jager shot (my first! <3), uh, something else, and three Alabama Slammas, courtesy of Rudy. I got fucked-in-half. The rest of the night is a blur, except for... well, here's the video: . Definitely download it. I also remember saying "I'm definitely about to throw up", and then not throwing up. Oh, also this exerpt:
Rudy: Yeah, this girl was like 6'4-
Me: 6'4!! my god that lady is sooooooooo tall
Yeah, and that thing about Killa Mike was this night, too. I wasn't joking about remembering stuff. You can see the tequila in my right pocket in the video.
I managed to stumble up to Baker's room, after passing out a few times along the way. Dragoncon people are so helpful. I pass out in a chair that Patrick had gotten out of in the last minute. Sorry dude! <3
Sunday: I wake up with the worst hangover of my life. At 9:30 AM. Somehow I manage to take a shower and get ready for the Avengers PCQ, and luckily I open $20 in stuff because I was still too fucked up to think. I couldn't feel my face until the afternoon, let alone think clearly. After dropping I draft some more with my friend from Alabama and get ready for ye olde drinking.
My friends want to draft drunkenly, and I offer to be "the sober guy". Fortunately, my buddy Pacer mises me some 151 + Mountain Dew, which was a little stronger than the stuff I'm used to. My one drink gets me a little past buzzed, and Todd has to rep for me. But it's cool, Anna was way fucked up too. Anna and Monique play punchies for a little bit, and I can show you the pic of that if you want. After I lose, Todd and I go on a hunt for drinks, which is succesful when I spot Derek and Pacer in the hallway. Those guys brought an entire bottle of 151 for that night, and we hang out in the smokeyard while I try to get past my foul beverage. We head out to pick up scantily clad hot chicks, but just end up playing poker with some fish. We both leave up $15 to the 10 dollar buy in. I mise the nutflush on the flop during the last hand, and manage to getTodd and a random to triple me up. Yay!
It's 3 AM at this point, and I give up on the chick hunt and go back to Baker's room. We play Super Smash until Scruffy has to go back to his hotel, a 3-block walk, and Baker and I take him. I found out then that I had blown Jarvis off to win his draft, and text him with the frowny face. On the way back up to the room I spot him chilling with Mike Le, totally trashed. We chill for a little bit, and then look for the party. We find a sponsored one, but oops! I had left my badge in Baker's room. I try to lie my way in, but instead get escorted to security, drunk friend in tow. I explain the situation to the security guy, but accidentally go to the alcohol room instead of the sleeping one. I got booted. 8( Jarvis apologizes infinitely while Mike Le goes to get my badge and wallet, for the lengthy 20-yard walk and 16-floor elevator ride. I could have just walked back in, but apparently I was still drunk. Oops. Mike Le and I take Jarvis to the card room, where he can get 3 hours of sleep, and we go back up to crash.
Monday: I woke up straight, fortunately, and pack my shit up, and take a shower. We divide up into teams to accomplish three goals: Clean the room, take the stuff downstairs, and get some fucking breakfast. Ricky/Silas and I take orders and go to Chik-fil-a, obviously. By the way, don't order food for 7 people in a crowded fast food restaraunt. I have never felt so in danger of having my fries stolen. We walk back with $45 in food, laughing the whole way. The Baker Squad breaks for home, and I go with Mike Le and wait for Scruffy to find his mom. I lose a 2v2 on the way. The ride home is uneventful, and I get home with just enough time to sleep off my exhaustion.
If you read this, and want to go next year, just gimme a holla ASAP and I'll order a room.