May 03, 2016 14:53
Connor was out shopping with me, and we came to a display of kitchen knives. He says "Hmmm. Mom, which of these knives do you think looks most like a murder knife?"
I pointed out a large, pointy meat-slicer. He said "OH. I thought it would be a smaller one, because if you're creeping up to murder someone, you don't want to be obviously carrying a huge knife." I told him he needed to be more specific about how sneaky the murder had to be, next time.
Then we come to another knife display, and he asks the same context-less question! Some people never learn.
In other news, I discovered that when my kids ask questions such as these, I spend more energy trying to pick the best murder-knife than wondering if I should be worried about such a question.
Then he told me that the (saintly) woman in the middle school clinic was chatting about Cinco de Mayo and wondered aloud what Mexican dish she might prepare for the special day. Connor thought that was funny, because there can only be one answer to that question - Del Taco! Of course. I'm sure she appreciated the idea.