Before you click on this - it's hilarious, but I do apologize in advance for the horrific image of Ronald McDonald the author chose as the first picture in his "proof." Oh... ditto Carrottop. *shudders* The main article is awesome.... and science can be fun! Followed up by these:
Other fun Red Head Factoids:
* Scientists in 2005 from the University of Edinburgh found that redheads have a higher tolerance for pain than normal people. This is because the MC1R mutation triggers the excess release of Pheomelanin, the hormone that stimulates melanocytes and Pheomelanin also stimulates a brain receptor related to pain sensitivity.
* Approximately 4% of the world’s population are redheads
* Red hair and green eyes were once thought to be the sign of a witch, a werewolf, or a vampire *looks at wife* I knew it!
* Redheads are harder to sedate than any other group, using most common anesthetics; they require on average about 20% more anesthesia.
* The average adult redhead with a full head of hair has fewer number of hairs on their head than people with other hair colors (brunettes having the most hairs on average).
* In Corsica, if you pass a redhead in the street you are to spit and turn around.
* In Greek mythology, redheads turn into Vampires when they die; in real life, they are Vampires from birth.