A fellow member of
suicidesupport wrote this
recent post in the community. It was intended as a note of encouragement to people teetering on the edge of an irrevocable decision, a way of saying "you are not alone" and "you are loved". I read the entire post, but the part that stood out to me the most is the following selection:
You never know what's going on
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My son has some depression issues himself, and I've been pretty open with the kids about my own depression and anxiety issues, so hopefully they're not only pretty "aware" but also realize that they can get help.
Egad...when I was finished writing my reply, it was quite a lengthy response. Hell, I'm sure that I hadn't said anything you didn't already know! I decided to create a new post rather than put it all in your inbox. :)
Oh - and our school district's terrifying stats: Six student suicides in about a year's time. I have a 10th grader (the above-mentioned daughter), a 7th grader (12YO son), a 5th grader (10YO daughter), and two recent graduates (sons 18 and 20), and my wife teaches at one of the district high schools. FWIW, I think some of the more vocal members of the community were much too quick to jump to the conclusion that bullying and/or anti-gay prejudice were "responsible" for any of these deaths, and the supe has been very careful and responsible in his approach to the situation. So, of course, he's taken a lot of fire.
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