Trying to Fly!

Oct 25, 2005 13:12

So whoever may have said my life is boring... *deep hearty laugh!*
so last night I'm riding my bike back from the village, just enjoying life and procrastinating from studying. I had just gotten done at Praise and Fellowship. So I'm toolin' along on my bike, my spedometer says I'm goign about 12 MPH and all of a sudden... time slows down... I relize that the bike has almost instantly come to a complete stop underneith me. The bike tips forward... I think, "hmmm... I don't think this is going to end entirely pleasant." I feel myself flying... FUN! I notice the world rapidly approaching, hmm... not fun, since the landing zone is cement sidewalk. BRACE FOR IMPACT! Quite conciously, I realize it's gonna hurt no matter what I do, so minimize injury. Sounds good. Priority 1) protect my brain and my beautiful face. so I tipped my head back as to prevent any contact between head/cement. priority 2)don't stop yourself exclusivly with your arms... too late...
I managed to dissapate the impact and residual lateral momentum quite well, overall... I took a good bit of it along my chest/belly, but my shirt protected me pretty well, however, my bare forearms didn't survive so well.
*BAM* Time returns to normal speed again.
Brain, "Body! I need a status report!"
left Knee, "suffered substantial brusing and " *interruped*
Brain, "Report extent of the damage!"
forearms, "Epidermis was removed along most of the length from wrist to elbow, Sir, the elbows got the worst of it. However the damage is predominatly superficial."

There's an aviation saying that goes like this, "A good landing is one that you can walk away from, a great landing is when the plane can be used again." I don't really know what I can classify my landing as, but probably only good.
Lucky for me, a P-safe bike cop was just turning the corner and got to watch me attempt to fly. He rides up and askes me if I'm ok... and I turn to him and say, "You know, somehow I had envisioned my ride home going a little differently." so he had alchohol swabs and whatnot on him, and so that was nice in the long term, but wholy eaten kumquats it hurt like something that stings an awful lot. I left a little indentation of my fist in the grass where I was sitting when he swabbed my knee. :) Just as the P-safe man was leaving, Aaron and Dan Patla and Daniel Roberson walk up and we chat for a while, then Mike Capra comes up and chats with us too. It was kind of a nice little space of repreive before i went home and took a shower... That hurt really bad too. I can't imagine what the guy in the other shower was thinking as this maniac in the next shower over is letting out a string of pain filled noises, and hitting the wall and floor.

It was exciting this morning too, I got to see Theresa in the health center. She's one of the nurses and is dating the old AHD of Villa Andy Noethe (pronounced Nate). Anyway, she'd come to hall mass a lot, and then when my sister was in teh hospital she was her nurse a few times. So it was exciting to get my arms all wrapped up while chatting with her.

Anyway that's my adventure! I've probably bored ya'll to death, so I'll cease and post.

Remember - Motorcyles don't have doors! That would explian the draft!
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