Meminerunt Omnia Amantes

Jan 29, 2010 14:35

Title: Meminerunt Omnia Amantes
Author: mighty_quill
Rating: PG, might change later.
Fandom: CSI
Character: Sofia Curtis. Brass, Sara and Greg make cameo appearances.
Summary: When a case reunites Sofia with a man she'd never quite managed to forget, she realises that some memories are made to last.
Status: Work in progress.

The doctor dropped his pen onto the patient chart he was working on and rubbed a hand over his tired eyes. He sighed and made a mental note to call about the broken refrigerator in his apartment. It had been a long shift in the ER and all he had to look forward to was cold, leftover pizza and a warm beer when he got home. His move to Las Vegas had been out of necessity and he really wanted to make a clean break and start over in a new city. It seemed, however, that gremlins in the machinery were a national problem and not just limited to New York.

He'd loved going back into emergency medicine after nearly ten years in surgery. It was his true calling; surgeons may get the kudos and the money, but he got to fight for peoples lives right when they needed him most. He reached up rub at his neck and then wondered exactly when it was that he'd canonised himself.

"Excuse me?”

He turned to see a brunette woman clutching a file, “Police?” he inquired, quickly sizing her up.

“Crimelab. Sara Sidle.”

“You're here about the boy.” He shook her proffered hand, then led her to one of the emergency bays and indicated his patient, “I'm Dr Sears. He's still out for the count. His right lung collapsed and there are four broken ribs on the right side...He should be awake and able to answer questions in about an hour or so.”

“You're British?”

He shook his head and tutted sarcastically, “We get everywhere..”

She fought a grin, “Mind if I process him? Might be easier if he's not moving about too much.”

He shrugged, “Whatever you want.”

The woman gave him a sideways glance and a wry smile, “Long night, huh?”

He raised his eyebrows and checked his watch before grinning, “It's night time again already?” he quipped.

She chuckled, “I thought I worked long hours. I don't suppose you have an expert opinion to offer on the victim?”

He looked over to the young boy that had been brought in earlier. He had been found in a park by joggers, bloodied and bruised, making the ER a very sombre place for a long while after. They'd fought hard for the youngster when he'd gone into convulsions and got him stable after a couple of hours. The doctor thought of his nephew, who was currently asleep in the doctor's lounge. There but for the grace of God...

“He took a beating. From a bat or a pipe, the bruises started to come up like that. We bandaged his hands for you in case he caught his attackers.”

She looked at the bandages and then back to the doctor, “That' unexpected surprise...You think more than one suspect?”

“He's got a nasty bruise across his neck - looks like someone was holding him down. His clothes are in a bag under the bed, there may be some transfer if your lucky.”

“Preserving evidence...'transfer'...? You certainly know a lot about forensics....for a lowly doctor.” she added the last bit with grin.

He quirked an eyebrow, “Lowly?...You must not want the knife tip I pulled out of his leg.”

“I thought you said he was beaten, there was no mention of a stabbing...” The teasing had gone and was replaced by a purely professional tone as the investigator rifled through the incident report she'd received from the police officer.

He studied the small piece of metal as he held the specimen pot up to the light, “I did. It wasn't a stab wound per fact, it looked like he'd rolled onto the knife - or something similar.”

He handed the evidence over and Sara barely stifled a laugh as she saw the label, “You signed it for me...”

“Date and description. You do it that way out here I take it?” he asked cheekily.

She smiled a nod, “So, were you a police officer in a former life?”

“Just a humble surgeon, “ he smiled, then offered an explanation, “I was married to one.”

“Was?...Sorry, I didn't mean to pry..I-” His smile had turned into a carefully concealed, pained look.

He flashed a smile, “No need to apologise. A lot of water under that particular bridge. Came out the other side a lot older, a little wiser and considerably poorer. There's something to be said for experience in that department.”

Sara dipped her head as she felt a blush creep across her face. She found that she was nearly finished processing the boy, the time had gone a lot quicker with someone to keep her company. In fact, the detective assigned to the case had arrived to interview the victim.

The blonde stood at the end of the bed with her hands thrust into her pockets. She'd been standing there long enough to have caught the end of the conversation and had watched the look on her colleague's face - the doctor had his back turned to her as he noted the patient's vitals. She coughed slightly to announce herself and addressed Sara, “You done?”

Sara looked up at the detective, “Um, yeah...just finishing up.” She watched as Sofia shuffled from foot to foot, making no attempt to introduce herself to the doctor.

He was also watching the detective. Although, he hadn't mistaken her uneasiness for rudeness like Sara. Clicking his pen closed and returning it to his coat pocket, he replaced the patient chart and smiled sadly at Sara, “I'll leave you to it.” He stopped as he passed the detective and nodded awkwardly, “Sofia.”

She continued staring at the floor as she replied, “Alfie.”

Sofia was still staring down the linoleum as the door quietly shut behind her. The CSI was almost positive that had the detective been anywhere else and alone, she would be berating herself. Not that Sara had the inside track on the inner workings of Sofia was just something about the angry - no, that wasn't it - exasperated  look on her face. Sara had no idea what to do. Awkward social situations were not her strong point, especially when it came to people she knew; there was a fine line between a helpful kick up the backside and a hurtful slap in the face that she had yet to distinguish. She supposed they must have met on another case and decided to make a quick exit and head back to the lab.

“I'm gonna get this back...start processing.” She waved the evidence bags at the detective and nodded towards the exit.

Sofia nodded, “Right, I'll hang around and see if there's anything he can tell us.”

She didn't look up at the brunette, instead her eyes were fixed on the victim. Her tone was a little distracted, but Sara took that as a reaction to the case and not a personal slight. With a quick nod that she was sure Sofia didn't see, she made her way out to the nurse's station and waved at Dr Sears - well, as best she could carrying her load, “Don't work too hard, doc.”

He paused at the door to the Emergency Department and turned with a sad smile on his face, “No business like slow business.”

meminerunt omnia amantes, csi, fanfic, sofia curtis

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