(no subject)

Dec 23, 2010 22:38

Yeah, I'm starting to see.
Yeah, I do believe.

Aaron Hotchner stood in his bathroom, staring blankly into the mirror. The bruises were starting to show on his face in a darker red than when he had been examined by the ER doctor. He flexed his hands and winced as the cuts on his knuckles started to weep. Looking down, the bright red of the blood sent him back to that afternoon - and what he had done.

He surrendered? George Foyet would never surrender unless he had already accounted for it; he's taunting, there's something I'm missing. Something he has planned. It's not that easy, he didn't fight this hard.

I used to have a soft Southern, glowing face.
I used to leave my heartaches away on the chase.
When you get stung with the heart of a little child,
Well, that's how you get that rattlesnake smile.

He's grinning. Haley's dead and this bastard grins at me. He's taken my family...


Absolutely not. I will not let this monster anywhere near my son.

Two punches and he sees Foyet in his apartment. No, this is about him killing Hayley. On the third punch he sees that fucking mask. Not that, I have to protect Jack. He's in his apartment again, remembers the pain Foyet inflicted on him - just because. No! He's the murderer! He killed people because he liked it! He keeps seeing the sonofabitch in his apartment as he beats Foyet's head against the floor.

You better keep your distance.
In this tangled shape I'm in,
Now, no one better touch me right now,
In this cold-blooded thick skin.

He let them take him to the hospital; he let them think he wanted to be alone with Jack. He gave them the slip when he said he was going to have his prescription of painkillers and sleeping tablets filled. He'd been doing that all day - giving them the slip.

I think you better run real fast,
When you hear that rattling sound.
Well, you better run real fast, man,
Or this one's gonna knock you down.

He beat a man to death. With his bare hands, he had taken the life of another. He'd done it before, with a gun, in the line of duty. This was not about duty. This was about family. His family.

He felt sick.

I sit alone trying to shed this skin that I live in.
Trying to clear my vision once again.

Hotch physically shakes off the memory. He can't be around people right now. This is why he is alone in his apartment, standing in front of a mirror, wondering what he's going to see staring back at him.

Well, I ain't no good to no one, no how, not right now.
Because I forget to run myself and I got run down.

Jack is with his aunt. Rossi calls by after he is finished debriefing and yelling at Erin Strauss. The last part, the older agent kind of enjoyed.

The two men sit quietly, both holding a glass of Scotch. Hotch wonders if he should have walked away years ago, Rossi wonders if his friend will make it back.

Eventually, Hotch manages to break the silence.

"I killed George Foyet." He chokes out, barely above a whisper.

It is then that Rossi knows Hotch will be alright.

He raises his glass slightly in salute, and answers with a serious expression,  "Good man."

That is when Hotch believes that he might not be the monster he fears.

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