With Dr. Troy Franklin
Should We Fear The Occult?
Occultic forces move among us. I know this because I have battled them.
Whether it be the challenge of exorcising demonic possessions or simply the act of shooing away a gaggle of neighborhood Druids eyeing my cat, Milton, with perverse hunger, I have answered the Lord's call to engage in Spiritual Warfare against Satan's minions, and my answer is: "Bring it on!"
We as Christians have nothing to fear from the Occult, for the power of Christ girds us and keeps us from spiritual danger. Remember the words of Psalm 23:
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me
Yet a fear of the Occult still weakens many of us and empowers Satan. Too often, this fear leads us to try to pretend that the Occult doesn't even exist, to banish it from our sight in hopes that it will go away if we ignore it. We seek to remove Harry Potter from our libraries, Marilyn Manson from our airwaves, and Halloween from our neighborhoods. While all this is done with good and noble intentions, many times such actions have an opposite result than what we hoped -- and may be exactly the actions that Satan hoped we would take!
By allowing the Occult to remain occult -- a word that literally means "covered over" -- we give it a power that it otherwise wouldn't have. It becomes a seductive force to the unsaved and seems unstoppable to those ignorant of its true nature. If there is one thing that Satanists, Goths, and Pagans of all stripes fear, it is light; this is why they hold their coven meetings at night, skulk around in the shadows, and wear dark clothing instead of bright, cheerful colors. We must go into that valley of shadows and shine the Light of the Lord into its darkest crevasses so that the spiritually dead who dwell there may become once again alive in Christ -- possessed not by demons, but by the Holy Ghost.
Only by knowing the enemies of our Lord may we defeat them, and by defeating them, bring them over to the side of Light and Love. Therefore, I believe that we must reject fear and instead learn all we can about the Occult: study it, categorize it, plumb its depths to know its secrets. By confronting the Beast head-on and dragging it by its horns out of the shadows, we will see that it is a creature deserving not of fear, but of pity.
About My Ministry:
Being a doctor of Demonology, my ministry specializes in advising other ministries, churches, and youth groups on demonic matters and provides exorcism services based on Biblically sound principles, unmarred by the errors typically found in ineffective, though wide-spread, Catholic rites.
However, much of my time is devoted to learning all I can about the Occult and disseminating my findings to pastors, youth group leaders, and others on the front-lines of the Spiritual War. With this knowledge, I believe that we can develop effective Spiritual Warfare tactics to defeat Satan and his forces.
In the future, I plan to write-up more of my findings in a format accessible to laymen and the general public for presentation on this site. In the mean time, you can read about my practical tactics for reclaiming Halloween in the name of Christ.