Time Again

Oct 11, 2006 10:01

I finally found some decent time to update an entry into this journal. I started my own personal one a few months ago..in my own notebook and stuff like that. It's going well, keeps me straight forward without a sway. Public journaling seems fun after reading everyone elses..been using myspace much lately so thats where I put down most of the news.
Senior crept up quicker than I thought. I look back at my high school years and even though I tell everyone not to regret anything they do, I regret most of the stuff I have done. But what's done is done and it's just time to keep sailing. Just recently I changed my plans to become a doctor. I was hanging out with some friends Saturday night and we were joking around about it...but I actually thought about it the next morning. I was convinced. As for following through, we'll just have to see.
That book I told everyone I was writing...I can't believe I actually got half done with it...I need to cut out some of the crap that don't fit, only to shorten it up. Haven't decided yet.

Life as it goes: I can look back, say it sucked, look back again, say that was fun. I mean, look at me! I've made it this far! Aren't your proud? I sure am! All my friends made it this far with me. It's been chill. My grades are hell of a lot better than last years. Suppose I had my mind on other things last year for no damn reason. But not a waste of time! It teaches me what to worry about and when to shrug it off like a ninja I am! Lol. ^_^
Been hanging out a lot. Nearly every weekend. It's fun, though! I see people that I would never imagine seeing them at the places I've been. Meeting new people. I'm a movie star! Kidding, so kidding. Yes, but it's been great.

News: I recently got deeper into hip-hop. Hanging out with Chris, Wood and them...just grows on ya.
I can finally drive now without permission. Just get up and go. It's great! So lets kick it, yo'.
Today is my dad's b-day.
That's pretty much it that I'm going to post publically (Is that even a word?) But eh, hopefully I can update more!
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