Sabretooth a Skrull?

Jan 18, 2008 09:46

A lot of people were less than fond when Sabretooth lost his head, literally. While I think more were disappointed more in the story that led up to it than his actually being taken out of the might not be so bad.

Given a rather massive storyline that's working its way through Marvel, though it's largely localized to the Avengers titles thus might not actually have been Victor Creed that bought it. The Skrulls have refined their shapeshifting abilities and have seemingly made enhancements in their Super Skrull program as they now have undetectable Skrulls on Earth that are posing as powered beings.

So far both Electra & Black Bolt have been revealed to have been why not Sabretooth? These new Skrulls cannot be detected through any known means so it's at least possible.

In the meantime, there's still the Sabretooth that is currently leading the Exiles and the one in the Ultimate Marvel Universe. Okay, granted the latter is kind of a brain trust who thought he was so much superior to Ultimate Wolverine due to the fact that he has 4 adamantium claws on each arm as opposed to Logan's 3...

...still, you gotta work with what you can.

alien invasion, avengers, skrulls, sabretooth

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