Title: The Morning After {5/12}
Author: writingherhope/writingforthemoney @ff.net
Pairing: B/B
Rating: PG for now
Summary: Not exactly the 'morning after' you might be thinking, but still. One-shot for now. Just had to write it, wouldn't leave me alone until I did. B/B
Disclaimer: Not mine, I'm just borrowing them to create and build more unresolved sexual tension than in canon...I'll return them to Hart, FOX, and TPTB when I'm through.
Chapter 1: The Morning After Chapter 2: The Mid-Morning After Chapter 3: The Next Morning
Chapter 4: Another Morning She walked into the lab early that morning, this wasn't an unusual action for her however, in the past few weeks or quite frankly ever since she started working with Booth on a regular basis, she'd come in on time or late. However today was different, she didn't want to deal with the emotions this case was causing her to feel, nor the fact that because of this case she'd spent almost every night with Booth; whether at his or her place, they ended up falling asleep looking at the case work. That just added to the emotions she did her best to keep hidden from the world.
Waking up with Booth beside her on her couch or in his arms on his couch, his scent invading her senses and the soft skin of his arms compared to his rough calloused hands were almost too much for her to handle.
But she had decided that morning that something needed to happen, good or bad. She didn't know how much more she could handle; not knowing what he was thinking, not knowing what he was going to do next. She needed to know whether he felt the same or not; either way she knew she'd be able to compartmentalize the situation with her work.
Waking up he noticed something different, and then as he breathed in waking himself completely up he realized that she was gone. He could still smell her unique scent, but it was far away and faded. He sighed, trying to sit straight up on the couch they fell asleep on, with papers all around them.
He walked into the kitchen to fix himself a cup of coffee, but found that a pot had been made. Booth smiled lovingly. Picking up the coffee pot he realized that she hadn't left too long ago, for it was still hot. Beside his favorite coffee mug was a note for him, "Thai food. Tomorrow night. My place."
Smiling he poured his coffee, and walked toward the bathroom, to get ready for his day with the amazing woman, he was beginning to understand that he loved.
Hope you enjoyed this wee-bit…as I said before, it's just getting the story ready for the inevitable.
Read and Review? I'll try to update sooner this time… :/