Dec 23, 2004 19:36
i'm updating this thing because my love cristina really wants me too...i dont...EVER...haha jk, but like she really wants me to. so here it is. today was boring, i woke up, i opened my left eye first then my right. i yawned for like 4 seconds, then i stood up by placing my right foot on the floor first then my left. after a while i stood up by pushing myself up with my arms against the bed. As i stood i scratched my left nut. and i walked to the rest room with my left foot first then right,left,right,left,right,left,right,left, and once i to the restroom, i flopped out my penis and felt relieved until i relize that i pissed all over my right foot. so after cleaning that with a paper towel i walked bak to my room in this order right left right left right left right left right left. then i sat down on my computer and stared at the wall for 3 hours, then i stood up and i reached for my keys with my left hand and i called my mother on her cell phone to inform her of my leaving. after the conversation i pressed the "off" button because it would be rather ignorent to press any other button at the end of a telephone call. so i walked to my car left right left right left right left right left right (my car is out side so that kinda far) left right left right left right left right left right left right. i put the key in the car with my right hand and i turned it to the left. i opened in the door quickly because it was really cold outside. I started the car and drove outside of "river hill" into "Zapata Highway" then i entered "southgate" to pick of jj, then i drove on all of "loop 20" so i could pick up bob-b and once all my friends were in the car, i drove bak on "zapata highway" to go to jj's house where we later on played our songs of out band...which were awesome....then we all wanted to go to the show, but i couldn't so i got bak in the car and came home. and here i am.