Now I'm gonna be late for my practice with Jan.
I don't start these things.
I don't want to quarrel.
But it is against my good nature to see my fellow cast members Montagues in trouble so when I saw the fray begin well...
I got involved.
I don't know what started it. I don't know what his problem is.
It's not right for Tybalt and his
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I stand up and wave the script at her. "Hey, there you are! I'm all ready, practiced a little and everything."
I wave back so she knows I saw her.
"Fair greeting to you, Lady." I grin and take a moment to get my breath back. "I brought my copy of the script too."
I peek into the auditorium and see just a few students around. "But I am totally ready to play lovesick Romeo, as long as there's no actual audience, to y'know, laugh and point."
"And I'm perfectly pleased to take advantage of that."
"Is the auditorium ok? I think it's pretty quiet right now. Otherwise I think the music room is empty too." I wonder what's up, Jan gave me the look Do I look that bad from the fight?
"So, um," I say, as we stake out an empty corner of the room for ourselves, "Have you noticed some of the other cast members acting...well, a little too into their parts?"
I have eyes enough to see that something is going on with my cuz Jordy and the other girls...Jan. Even if I don't know what.
"Well yeah, people dressing differently, talking like their roles even when they're not rehearsing and stuff...I dunno, just seems kind of strange to me. Did like Miss Vargas suggest you do that, or did some of the cast decide, or did people just start doing it?" I ask nervously, and then think maybe I should keep my mouth shut and just get on with running the lines. The whole situation is making me paranoid, like it's one of those Star trek episodes where I'm trying to pass myself off as an alien. "Um, let's see, I guess your line is first after Enter Romeo."
"You're worried?"
"Not really," I lie. "I was just wondering if someone suggested it, or if it just sorta happened. But if you haven't noticed, maybe it's just a couple of people."
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