Somebody Save Me!!!!! The Cookies Keep Caling My Name!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 15, 2005 18:25

So it's been a while. So much for updating more when I got back to school. I definitely need more hours in my day. I feel sooooooo behind on everything.

Cookies will be the death of me. I just can't resist. And I swear they have made me gain 5 pounds in the past 4 days!!!!!!! And even as I type they are sitting next to me tempting me with their delicious scent. Save me!!!!!!

So anyway................ on to more serious grown up stuff, well kinda...........

My nursing application got turned in today. It is now out of my hands and into those of the COMMITTEE......Please show some mercy.

I am still hating school, but for the first time in 2 years I am actually going to class. I haven't missed a single one, I should get an award for that.......Don't you guys remember those "Perfect Attendance" awards and at Mesita we would get popcorn for doing well.......AAWWWWW the good old days. I think they should set up something like that in college, I guarantee more people would go to class......I have my first Micro test on Monday and I'm getting super nervous. I hate first tests, cuz you never know how the prof is going to test. BLAH!!!!!!!!

Surprisingly enough I am in a pretty decent mood. Dragging, but happy. Maybe it's from my tremondous lack of sleep.

The kids at the daycare were so sad today. If one of them started crying it take at least half an hour to calm them down. And not just in our room, but the room next to us. I just don't get it. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I have to work six hours. And as if working 17hours a week wasn't enough we have 6 and a half hour training on Saturday. Who in their right mind gets up by 730 on a Saturday. Oh well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
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