Title: Birds of a Feather
Fandom: Due South/Stargate Atlantis Crossover
julia_herePairing: Rodney McKay/Benton Fraser
Read by: mific
Rating: PG
Length: 1 hr 25min
Summary: A story of friendship between Rodney McKay and Benton Fraser.
From julia_here's summary: PG, Childhood stories and adult friendship. Nothing you couldn't read to your grandmother, unless your grandmother is Martha Fraser.
I wanted to record this fic as I love the writing, and she makes their friendship so very plausible. Recorded with permission.
The original text is
here Temporary Audiobook (M4B) download
here (~40MB)
Temporary MP3 download
here (~78MB)
Permanent audiofic archive (M4B) download
here (~40MB)
Permanent audiofic archive (MP3) download
here (~78MB)
(thanks again to the audiofic archivists for hosting)
cross-posted to:
amplificathon amplificathon sgapodfic